how much does Super Duolingo cost (February 2025)

In 2025, when you decide to learn a new language, the first thing you need to do is to Open Duolingo. with so many success stories and the popularity of the application there are some problems with Duolingo you can not have access to some resources in the free version . If you want to have solid chances of learning a language, you can shift to Duolingo  Super, and you need to pay.

Duolingo Super cost

The Super Duolingo costs $12.99 a month at $59.99. You can also get a 7-day discount. The super plan is very efficient, with additional features from the free version that make it a more productive way to learn a new language. In this article, we will be covering everything about the super Duolingo plan.

Duolingo Super Plan Overview

Duolingo has different paid plans: Duolingo, Max, and Duolingo Super. Duolingo Super is a premium version of Duolingo that has additional features and offers a better mode for learning a new language. Duolingo Super is the most purchased plan of Duolingo, and millions worldwide subscribe to it. 

Super Duolingo costs $12.99 monthly and $59.99 annually. You get a lot of perks in the Super Duolingo , and I will justify the cost and fees for the given features.

duolingo super

Features of Duolingo Super.

no ads

 No ads

When you are on a deadline and want to learn a language, everything is very serious. You just can’t continue your listen because you want to watch this one-minute-long ad. I know how annoying that can be because I’ve been through that. Luckily, with Duolingo’s super plan, you wouldn’t have this problem because there would be no ads whatsoever.


Super app icon

 If you are a person like me who finds these little customizations very fun, then you will love this feature. You will get a different icon called the Super App icon. This feature lets you know that you are using a whole different Duolingo plan with lots of features.


 Free entry to legendary Challenges

 You cannot reach the legendary level until you pass legendary challenges, and for you to get to legendary Challenges in the basic version of Duolingo, you have to pay gems, but in Duolingo super, you do not have to pay for anything to enter legendary. You can have free entry to legendary difficulties.

free educatin

 Keeping education free for millions

 Duolingo, as an organization, has to do something for the people, and we can contribute to that mission by subscribing to their premium plans, such as Duolingo Super and others. So, by subscribing to Duolingo Super, we are not only doing good to ourselves but also to others, which is a win-win and really great.

unlimited hearts

Unlimited hearts

 In Duolingo’s basic plan, you will also fear not making a mistake because you will lose your heart. If you run out of hearts, unfortunately, you will reset all your practice, so  You can’t try to take the risk. In the Duolingo super plan, you do not have to worry about hearts. You can afford to make mistakes and won’t pay any consequences for them as you will have unlimited hearts to break.


Personalized training

Luckily, in Duolingo Super, you can have a personalized practice to target your weak areas. When I first bought Duolingo Super, it was specifically for this. If you Have a tough time speaking, writing, or whatever, you can work on that in this section. You can only have it free in Duolingo Super or Duolingo Max.

Why Duolingo Super Plan is worth your money

 In the basic version, it is hard to learn a language because you don’t have many resources like the Super Duolingo.  The Super Duolingo has accountability features, so they make sure that you Take your Lessons every day. Moreover, you will not be distracted. With the bombardment of ads,  You can practice on your weak areas, and you can take as much as attempts you want without worrying about XP and hearts.

 Sometimes, we are uncertain about  The chances of success. Well, the easy formula to learn a new language in  Duolingo is to subscribe to Duolingo’s super plan. With more resources, you can increase your chances of learning.

How is Duolingo Super Different from Duolingo Max

Duolingo Max is a recent launch of Duolingo offering an extra feature, which is a Video call. You can talk on a call with any In-app character to improve your communication skills in the language you want to learn. This can be helpful, but $29.99 a month for this pan is expensive.

Duolingo Max Vs Super Duolingo

You can get all the features of Duolingo Max except Video Call in Duolingo Super and pay 12.99, or you can save 50% by paying 59.99% annually. It should be for you to decide which plan is better, but you can have enough features in Duolingo Super.


Duolingo Super is a premium plan of Duolingo that comes with features like no ads, unlimited hearts, personalized practice, and other customizations such as customizing your avatar and app icon. The Super Duolingo  Costs $12.99 a month and $59.99 annually.

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